optical scanning

the process of interpreting data in printed, handwritten, bar-code, or other visual form by a device (optical scanner or reader) that scans and identifies the data.
Examples from the web for optical scanning
  • After the polls close, the machine-printed ballots would be counted by hand or by optical scanning.
  • These matches are detected using a clever arrangement of fluorescent tags and optical scanning.
  • The first few days were devoted to optical scanning of the aerogel tiles.
  • Operate an optical scanning devise to sort mail by bar code.
  • Election officials tally the ballots by optical scanning machines, similar to the machines used to grade standardized tests.
  • There are two methods for capturing survey data from paper forms: optical scanning and data entry.
  • optical scanning reads typed and computer printed data and electronically converts it for computer processing.
  • The ballot is then counted by an optical scanning machine, either at the polling place or at a central location.
  • The disc is read by an optical scanning mechanism that uses a high-intensity light source, such as a laser.